Image to Base64

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What is Base64 Format?

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that is commonly used to represent binary data in an ASCII string format. It allows data to be transmitted or stored as plain text, making it easier to handle and transfer across different systems.

The Base64 format uses a set of 64 characters, which includes uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and a few special characters. Each character represents 6 bits of data. By encoding the binary data into this format, it ensures that the encoded string is safe to be transmitted through channels that only support text-based data.

Base64 encoding is often used in various applications, such as email attachments, image and file transfers, and data encryption. It is also commonly used in web development to embed images or binary data directly into HTML or CSS files.

To convert data into Base64 format, each group of 3 bytes is split into 4 chunks of 6 bits. If the input data is not divisible by 3, padding characters are added to the encoded string to ensure it is a multiple of 4 characters in length.

Base64 encoding is reversible, meaning the original binary data can be retrieved from the Base64-encoded string by decoding it using the appropriate algorithm or function.

In conclusion, Base64 is a widely used encoding format that allows binary data to be represented as text. It provides a convenient way to transmit and store data, especially in situations where only text-based data is supported.

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